TweetDeck attack highlights speed of cyber crime

The growing use of technology in the business landscape is increasing the need for proper security systems. This is needed because cyber criminals are able to take advantage of vulnerabilities with increasing speed.

This can be seen with the recent TweetDeck hack that was discovered, exploited and fixed over the course of four hours. According to an article from CNN, the XSS vulnerability was discovered accidentally by a 19-year-old that was messing with TweetDeck as he was trying to use the HTML code language to create the "♥" symbol in a tweet. While doing so he found that the specific code opened up a bug in the TweekDeck software that allows users to inject computer program commands via a tweet.

He announced it on Twitter, spent 19 minutes verifying what he had found and then notified TweetDeck of the issue. However, this knowledge was already out in the open and 90 minutes later, a German IT student issued a tweet that exploited the bug. It launched a pop-up ad and caused infected machines to retweet the message numerous times. This happened nearly 90,000 times, though the tweet currently sits at just over 80,000 retweets. In the end, his worm was harmless and just annoying.

An hour later TweetDeck acknowledged the vulnerability and took the service down. An hour after that a fix was issued and the incident was over.

IT security is something that businesses need to continuously monitor. An IT support service can help any organization manage its IT security solutions in a smart way that will allow them to answer attacks as quickly as possible.