Ransomware is a type of malware designed to maliciously block or limit user access to a computer system or until a ransom is paid in exchange. Think of it as the digital hostage. Crypto-ransomware, or modernized versions of the typical infection, encrypt specific file types on infected computer systems and force users to submit the ransom payment using certain online methods to get a key to decrypt the coded files.
Ransomware infections are on the rise across the globe but especially in the United States. From December 2015 to May 2016, the U.S. comprised 50 percent of all global ransomware detections, according to Microsoft. “We see ransomware spreading like a virus,” FBI Director James Comey said last week in an address at the International Cyber Security Conference in New York City. “It is simply about a pure business proposition – how much people will pay to continue to do their business.”
Types and Behaviors
There are different types of ransomware, commonly referred to as ransomware families. Currently, the top 5 ransomware families worldwide are Tescrypt (42%), Crowti (17%), Fakebsod (15%), Brolo (9%) ad Locky (7%). These infections ruthlessly creep their way into your computer system and crack your network security. Malware doesn’t discriminate when deciding how to lure victims. This includes but is not limited to:
- Visiting infected, suspicious websites.
- Opening emails and/or email attachments from spammed sources.
- Clicking on bad links on social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
- Clicking on malicious advertisements.
Number one piece of advice — if you’re ever unsure about the reliability of a link, don’t click. If you’ve been baited by ransomware, chances are you’ve experienced the common implications and feel hooked. Well we’ve got great news, this isn’t the end. There’s still hope for recovery, and we just might have the IT support solution.
The Antidote
Although your initial thought may be to suck-it-up and pay the ransom, there’s still no guarantee that payment will unlock your computer system or provide the key to your encrypted files. That’s why we’re here. At ABR Systems Group, we exist to provide your business with high-grade, personalized IT strategy consulting, computer support and network security. Your small business consulting should be multi-stepped, layered and packaged with various components that are specialized to meet your needs. Call your IT consultant in Bowling Green, and take that next step in strengthening your computer network support system. Your ABR network consultant in Bowling Green will guide you through selecting the appropriate anti-malware software for your business and assist in communicating the importance of cautious internet use to your employees.
Call ABR Systems Group for more details. Our small business IT support in Bowling Green, Ky. is here to help.