Disaster recovery needed to avoid the chaos of a server crash

There are few things that scare an IT executive more than the idea of dealing with a sudden server crash. With more organizations adopting systems that shift traditional tasks into the digital world, the aftermath of a server outage can have a larger impact than ever before.

A recent article from CMO examined what steps organizations need to follow if a crash was to occur. First IT departments need to get the system back online which can take several hours or even days depending on the age and size of the hardware and network. This requires the operating system to be rebooted and for applications, service packs, security updates and patches.

After that, tech professionals needs to focus on restoring all of the information from that latest backup. Of course this is assuming that one was run successfully recently. If the most recent data backup was run several weeks prior, this will open up an entirely new set of problems.

As the piece points out, while dealing with the recovery can be stressful, it can be made easier with some forethought.

"With a few simple steps and a little forward planning, it is easy to provide peace-of-mind, assure continuity of workflow to staff and customers and protect those vital data files," the article reads. "Fortunately technology has advanced recently, making it quicker, cheaper and much faster to protect digital assets."

With the help of an IT consulting firm that specializes in disaster recovery systems and maintenance, any organization will be able to improve their solutions and remain in control through a catastrophe.